Alien Dawn, 9B


p. 246 telepathic reception by hounds and by parrots

"My own observation has convinced me that most animals are telepathic.

I have often noted that when ... I decide to throw a scrap to one of the dogs {hounds}, she suddenly looks up and pays attention ... .

Our parrot knows when my wife is thinking of putting him back in his cage, and takes cover. Ingo Swann noted the same things about his parrot."

{It may well be that persistent disbelief on the part of humans that domestic animals are by nature telepathic, is the only obstacle which hindreth most pets from openly displaying this praeternatural ability.}

pp. 246-7 the case of Peter Hurkos as an instance of a psychic/pneumatic's inability to heed ordinary daily-life requirements for routine work

p. 246

"a Dutch house painter named Peter van der Hurk ..., during World War Two, ... realised that he could read the minds of his fellow patients. ... The disadvantage of his new powers was that ...

p. 247

he was simply unable to concentrate [scil., his mind].

His mind was like a radio set [receiver] picking up more than one station [transmitter] at a time. ...

{The other stations are a simile for numerous other persons' minds which he was simultaneously reading.}

In due course, he changed {or translated} his name to Peter Hurkos, and achieved fame through using his new abilities".

"Man needs his powers of concentration, or focusing on the present [scil., duties for work etc.] ..., in order to stay alive.

This is why, at some point in his history, he instinctively got rid of his 'psychic powers.' {Though this reconstruction be told in India as figurative mythology, it is not, strictly speaking, literally true-to-life.} ...

{Actually at no point in history (inclusive of prae-history) did humans in general ever have the leisure to ignore their material surroundings, nor to be engaged in psychic/pneumatic contemplations instead.}

It is probable that man began to get rid of his psychic faculties the moment he began to live in cities ... ." {Wrong!}

{There is actually more leisure opportunity for spiritual contemplation in modern culture than ever before.}

pp. 247-9 co-operation among Kelly, DeMarco, & McMoneagle {who "with eagle-eye, could see beyond the grave"} : concerning redincarnation & dreaming of being a famous historic character

p. 247

"a Virginia publisher named Frank DeMarco ... believed in reincarnation, and at college had repeatedly hypnotised two friends and recorded their own impressions of past lives. ...

p. 248

DeMarco knew of Robert Monroe's work, and had visited The Monroe Institute in 1990. In 1992, ... The instructor was ... Joseph McMoneagle who, like David Morehouse, had worked for the military as a remote viewer. Given geographical coordinates, he could {similarly as Ingo Swann} send his mind {seemingly bodilessly?} to look at whatever they represented. ...

DeMarco ... connected with Concord ... . ... He seemed to hear Emerson address him as Dr Atwood. In the dining room, he was introduced to Mrs Emerson ... . ... Thoreau arrived -- he lived at the bottom of Emerson's garden ... . ... Emerson proposed that they walk down to Walden pond ... ."

p. 249

"DeMarco ... describes how,

in a state of 'Focus 10' (body asleep ... and mind awake)

{usually known as "lucid dreaming"}

he ... decided ... to go to California, where Kelly, the author[ess] of the book on Jefferson, lived. Later, he received a letter from Kelly saying that she had seen him in her house."

p. 248, fn. 1 : "See Mind Trek,

Exploring Consciousness,

Time and Space Through Remote Viewing by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Roads, 1993."

{The episode of DeMarco's visibly occupying the persona of Atwood at the residence of Emerson is of the nature of [a peculiar variation of] lucid dreaming.}

p. 249 two historically earlier instances (similar to DeMarco with Kelly) of a person's body's (but not surroundings') being viewed by someone of whom the person was at the moment thinking about

"the power of 'psychic projection

{i.e., a facility for inducing one's living body to be viewed by a seer-of-apparitions}

is more common than we generally suppose. ...

{This may well be, but is the power of seeing apparitions any commoner than generally supposed?}

One of the classic cases concerns a student named Beard who, with an effort of will, succeeded in 'projecting' himself to the house of his fiance'e Miss Verity, so that he was seen there by Miss Verity and her sister. Beard was unaware that he succeeded; he was sitting in a chair in his own room, in a kind of trance.

Again, W. B. Yeats has described how, when he was thinking intently about delivering a message to a fellow student, the student suddenly saw him in his hotel hundreds of miles away, where Yeats delivered the message. Yeats notes that he had no knowledge of 'appearing' to his friend."

{If "Miss Verity" or the "fellow student" had been personally interrogated, it would surely have been discovered that each was a habitual seer-of-apparitions.}

pp. 249-50 difference between remote-viewing and astral-projection

p. 249

"The remote viewer remains in his body, fully aware of it, while his consciousness is elsewhere.

In OBEs, the body is left behind completely,

connected only by some kind of psychic telephone line

{often visible as a "silver cord"}

(Monroe was often drawn back by the need [by the material body] to urinate). In 'astral projection', a kind of 'double' appears in another plane,

apparently sent by the unconscious mind, while the conscious

{False! There is no need to hypothesize a conjectural (and never-observed) planes-of-existence "unconscious mind", when there are at hand a wide variety of well-attested praeternatural spirit-guides to undertake and to assist transvection of the astral-body.}

p. 250

mind usually remains unaware of what is happening. ...

Astral projection seems to depend upon some form of telepathy ... .

{It is a circumstance of being telepathically controlled by one's spirit-guides.}

One of Brian O'Leary's Princeton colleagues, Robert Jahn, quotes Paracelsus :

'Man also possesses a power by which he may see his friends and the circumstances by which they are surrounded, although such persons may be a thousand miles away from him at the time.'"

{The mortal astral-projecter's spirit-guides may create such a connection with spatially distant friends.}

pp. 250-1 mind over matter : control by the mind of a Random-Number-Generator machine

p. 250

"Jahn is a professor of applied sciences at the Princeton School of Engineering ... . In 1977, a female student asked him if he would oversee her project on psychokinesis -- 'mind over matter'. She wanted to know whether a random-number generator could be influenced by human mental effort. ... Jahn, and his colleague Brenda Dunne,

brought people in from the street and asked them to try to influence the coin-flipper ... . And the rate of success was amazing.

{Because similar such experiments never indicate that most ordinary people have such an ability, it is unlikely that the people brought "in from the street" were actually producing those results. Instead, they are most likely to have all been produced by the psychokinetic powers of Brenda Dunne herself.}

(The parapsychologist J. B. Rhine had conducted similar tests at Duke University, after

a gambler came into his office, and told him he was able to influence the fall of dice -- a claim he went on to demonstrate ... on the floor of the office.)"

{Again, this is an instance wherein only one specific person (the "gambler") possessed such a power -- and not everyone generally.}

"Jahn and Dunne went on to study remote viewing. In one experiment described in their Margins of Reality, one subject, labelled 'Agent', went to downtown Chicago, while another, labelled 'Percipient', stayed behind ... . ...

p. 251

Percipient gave her impressions ... before Agent arrived downtown ... . She was remote-viewing the future."

{In this case, the entire scene is likely to have been controlled by B.D.'s spirit-guides, who had diligently arranged the "future" events to occur.}

"What is even more strange is that ... experimenters found that skunks, racoons and foxes ... were somehow able to influence it even more than their human test subjects."

{Animals all have their own guardian-spirits, who can readily manipulate machines on their behalf.}

pp. 251-2 From Atlantis to the Sphinx

p. 251

"I have suggested in From Atlantis to the Sphinx that our remote ancestors took 'psychic powers' for granted, and that one of the turning points was the discovery of hunting magic, as portrayed in the caves of Cro-Magnon man. This hunting magic, which ... certainly worked, gave man his first sense of control over nature and his own destiny. ... .

p. 252

... Cro-Magnon ... could ... remote-view what a herd of bison were doing. Such powers were ... certainly possessed by their shamans, ... then as they are today."

pp. 253-4 Ouspensky : "everything is {inter}connected"; "depths of meaning"

p. 253

"Peter Demianovich Ouspensky, born in Russia in 1878 ...

p. 254

noted that as he began to succeed, he would feel that somehow the houses were aware of him, and that he sense the individual history of each house. 'They were living things, full of thoughts, feelings, moods and memories.' ... . ... he noted : '... I learned that everything indeed has a spirit. The wall had its own ... .' ...

{Elemental spirits, who occupy ordinary material substances, are readily able, when telepathizing with mortals, to substitute for their own personal identity, the identity of their current abode, whether that abode be a house or anything else. In order to obtain from them a more accurate identity of themselves, it would be necessary to be aware of the actual existence of elemental spirits themselves (whereof Ouspensky was not aware).}

In a piece called 'Experimental Mysticism' [fn. 3 : "In A New Model of the Universe"], Ouspensky describes how he embarked on the study of altered states of consciousness by means of ... the inhalation of nitrous oxide, with which many psychologists were experimenting at the time. His first observation in this new state of awareness was that 'everything is linked together' ... . Everything is connected {with everything else}. ... In other words, Ouspensky is saying that

the things around us ... contain endless depths of meaning."

{This is truth enough insofar as the artefacts of the material world are occupied by elemental spirits, whose collective is the repository of such meaning.}

p. 254 Huxley : throbbing of meaning

"Aldous Huxley had noted the same thing in Doors of Perception : that,

under mescalin, everything seemed to throb with meaning to an almost painful extent.

{The divine spirit of the mescalin plant is (in conjunction with allied elemental spirits) imparting of such understanding.}

Huxley suggests that our senses actually filter out most of this meaning, because it would overwhelm us and make practical, everyday life impossible. ... Our senses, Huxley suggests are designed to keep things out as much as to let them in."

{Another way of explaining the process is that our own guardian-spirits [instead of our mere senses] forbid access to the excessive understanding whereto plant-spirits and elemental spirits would subject us.}

{The notion that our own senses are involved in limiting psychic/pneumatic perception, is derived from the fact that when seeing a vision with one's eyen-lids closed, to open one's eyen will abruptly terminate the vision. But it may well be the case that the divinities being witnessed in the vision are offended by our opening our eyen-lids (because when seeing simultaneously the scene of the material world, our attention cannot be so fully entrained with the divine vision, a factor of inadequacy which can be acutely offensive to the exalted divinities), and instantly surcease the visionary communique'. This scandalous situation must call for an expiatory ritual (performed prayerfully at an appropriate altar), with accompanying public apology (public confession of the sin of commission in having impiously opened one's eyen-lids when one ought to have had the praesence of mind not to have done so). Our senses are designed to function as ancillary to the ensuing altar-worship service : to see the glittering altar, to smell the incense being combusted, to hear our own chanting of laudation to the divine world, to taste the eucharist (which, in Kaula usage, is intended to be spicy [cardamom]; and, in S`ikha usage, to be sweet [candy]). [written Nov 24th 2015]}

pp. 255-6 Toynbee

p. 255

"In the tenth volume of A Study of History, Arnold Toynbee describes ten occasions on which he felt himself transported back into the past ... . ... He describes how ... he had an experience which was the counterpart ... of an airplane's sudden deep drop when it falls into an air pocket [of low pressure]'. It felt, he says, like falling into a time pocket, to a time ... years before ... . It seems ... that what Toynbee experienced was very similar to Ouspensky's feeling ... of St Petersburg".

"The full import of what Toynbee means by a 'time pocket' (if he had known the term, he might have called them time slips) becomes clear when he describes the experience ... . ...

p. 256

In a book called The Occult (1971), I coined a term for this curious ability to grasp the reality of some other time and place.

I called it Faculty X."

{A better terminology would be : "experiencing in virtuality the Akas`ik Record".}


Colin Wilson : Alien Dawn : an Investigation into the Contact Experience. Virgin Publ Ltd, London, 1998. Fromm Internat Publ, NY, 1998.