Alien Dawn, 4B


pp. 95-6 universal hilarity occasioned by the U.S. Air Force's absurd explanation of observations of flying saucers

p. 95

"But, at his press conference ..., Hynek caused universal hilarity by suggesting that

the UFOs had been swamp gas ... .

{a silvery disk made of "swamp gas"?! -- NO will-o'-the-wisp EVER AT ALL appeared silvery, nor disk-shaped!}

... As Hynek became a figure of ridicule, the public began to take a serious interest in UFOs, which

p. 96

crystalised into a consensus that they must be real. And the Republican congressman for Michgan, Gerald Ford (who would succeed Richard Nixon ...), protested that the American public deserved a better explanation than swamp gas."

p. 96 Vallee's first two books about flying saucers

"Vallee's second book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, ... had aroused a far wider interest than the publisher had expected. ... . ... it was by far the most substantial and scientific assessement ... so far.

Challenge to Science had also been published, but only in French. The attitude of these books was new in the world of ufology. ... Other writers -- like Morris Jessup, Donald Keyhoe and Coral Lorenzen -- had been tainted with the 'invaders from Mars' mentality".

pp. 96-7 James McDonald

p. 96

"James McDonald, professor of atmospheric phyics at the University of Arizona ... at the Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio -- now virtually the hub of official UFO investigation in the US -- insisted on seeing the general, and had a ... interview -- longer than Hynek had ever had -- and ended

p. 97

by talking with him about the humanoid occupants of UFOs. Unfortunately, McDonald ... made no secret of his belief that

Hynek had sold out, and become a tool for the Air Force cover-up.

{Because Hynek was deriving his entire income from the military as a "consultant" hired to confirm the U.S. Air Force absurd explanations of flying saucers, he had no choice, in that capacity, to do otherwise.}

He even tried to recruit Vallee to join the anti-Hynek, anti-bullshit camp. ...

In 1971, ... McDonald committed suicide."

{Or was he murdered for daring too courageously outright to accuse the U.S. covert paramilitary "special forces" (C.I.A. or whatever) of deliberate and systematic mendacity?}

p. 97 "flap" (multi-witness sightings) of flying-saucers in 1951

"Meanwhile, Vallee was studying the Air Force files, and was excited to discover that a wave of UFO sightings had occurred in 1951, 'landings and cigar-shaped objects, just as in Aime' Michel's classic work.

He admitted, 'I am beginning to think like McDonald : how could Hynek have missed it?'"

{This mass-sighting was, of course, deliberately concealed by the U.S. Air Force, which must have ordered Hynek not to mention it.}

p. 97 proffer by the U.S. Air Force to Northwestern University

"The Air Force was anxious to get of the responsibility for UFOs, and wanted to pass it on to some respectable university.

{That is, the U.S. Force sought to bribe some respectable university to confirm the ridiculous government-concocted explanations about flying saucers, which absurd explanations the general public was already rejecting.}

Hynek and Vallee hoped that the job {viz., the subsidised contract for confirming the ridiculous government propaganda} ... would go to their department at Northwestern.

They were ... frustrated when the Dean [of Northwestern University] ... turned down the proposal ... .

{With good reason this was proffer rejected by Northwestern University; for if the University were to contradict the mendacities about flying saucers being spread by the U.S. Government, most likely the professors responsible (together with the dean) would have been secretly murdered.}

Hynek ... considered resigning [from this post at the university]."

{Evidently he was eager to promote deceptive government-propaganda for filthy lucre, though the Dean of the University was quite aware that to do so would bring ultimate digrace on the University.}

pp. 98-9 categories of elemental-spirits, including giants {Usually, entities in flying-vehicles are designated as Sylphs : Gnomes being underground-denizens (with Cobolds being a sub-variety of Gnomes).}

p. 98

"Paracelsus ... in the early sixteenth century ... comment on gnomes :

'They can appear at will small or tall ... . ... As soon as you are linked with them, you have to do their bidding ... they inflict heavy penalities. Sometimes they kill. There are proofs of it.'

In fact, Vallee was encountering many cases ... with supernatural beings. The experience ... is typical. In ... 1963, ... Islaverda, Argentina, ... When he stopped ..., he encountered a disk-shaped craft ... from which three giant figures wearing luminous clothes and strange helmets emerged -- ... estimated ... at twelve feet tall. ... The red beam followed him to the village of Montemaiz, where the street lighting was affected. ...

p. 99

The next day, ... back at the site where he had seen the 'giants', he found footprints twenty inches long.

Paracelsus had remarked that there were four main orders of supernatural being --


{water-nymphs, i.e., undines}


{dvergar, identitified with gnomes}

sylphs and salamanders --

but added that the giants should also be included."

{tursar, identitified with gigantes}

p. 100 C.I.A. program of debunking and of spying on civilian UFO groups; U.S. Air Force program of disinformation about flying saucers

"So the CIA decided to convene a panel, under the chairmanship of ... H. P. Robertson. ... The panel eventually concluded ... that they [flying saucers] posed no threat to national security. Therefore, the panel recommended (in January 1953), future UFO reports should be debunked. It also recommended that civilian UFO groups, like the Lorenzens' APRO and Keyhoe's NICAP, should be 'monitored' (i.e. spied upon) ... . Hynek was unhappy about this".

"Now Vallee went on to uncover a letter in the files that left no doubt that the AIr Force was engaged in a 'disinformation' operation. This letter, headed 'Secret', ... noted that certain areas in America had an abnormally high number of UFO sightings, and recommended that ... the Air Force ... debunk the thousands of public sightings ... . Moreover, said the letter, ... past UFO reports could also be debunked. In this way, the great American people could be ..., of course, deceived."

p. 101 wild "psychological" hypothesis about flying saucers being promoted by the Condon Committee; resignation and sacking from the Committee of any honest membre

"One of the committee members, Mary-Lou Armstrong, told Vallee that they {the other committee membres, but not herself} were not interested in field investigations. They were at present pursuing a theory propounded by one of their members, a psychologist

{by the} name Wertheimer

{such a name denoting a habitual facility for ["at home with"] making contrary-to-fact conditional assertions ["as if thou wert"]}

that motorists only thought their headlights failed when they saw a UFO,

because they were blinded by the ball lighting, and failed to realize that their headlights were on ... .

{Actually, of course, they clearly see a sharply distinct silvery saucer-shape (ball-lighting never being silvery nor saucer-shaped); and are not at all blinded (ball-lighting never, incidentally, temporarily blinding anyone), but continue to see the surrounding scenery sharply and distinctly.}

In fact, Mary-Lou Armstrong would resign from the committee in disgust. The other committee member ... Norman Levine ... was sacked for showing McDonald the famous cover-up letter from Low."

pp. 101-2 the enditing of the book Passport to Magonia

p. 101

"In the autumn of 1967, ... Vallee returned again to France, and ... was in Paris for the students' uprising of May 1968. And on the day the strikes ended, 15 June 1968, he ... recorded in his journal the idea for a book drawing a parallel between UFO phenomena and the medieval tradition about {viz., experiential sightings of, and interactions with} fairies, elves and elementals. The writing of

p. 102

Passport to Magonia went fast ... and, by 12 September 1968, it was completed".

pp. 102-3 content of the book Passport to Magonia

p. 102

"The title is taken from a passage in the writings of the Archbishop Agobard of Lyons, who speaks ... of people who believe that

there is a country in the sky called Magonia 'from which ships sail in the clouds'. Agobard tells how three men and a woman ... had descended from one of these airships ... . ... Presumably the four men and women {woman} were the first 'abductees' {of flying saucers}.

{This account, howbeit, is so indefinite that is not certain that hot-air balloons were not, indeed, intended by such mention of "airships", "which ships sail in the clouds".} {The country-name /MaGoNia/ would praesumably be a variant of /MoGuNtiacum/, named for "the Gallic god Mogons (Mogounus, Moguns, Mogonino)" ("CM") : perhaps cognate with the vajra-yana god-name /MOGHa/ (A-mogha-siddhi), if not with that of naks.atra /MaGHa/.}

Vallee then quotes St Anthony's circumstantial account of his encounter with a friendly 'elemental' ... .

Vallee goes on to speak of the scholar Jerome Cardan, whose father recorded how, on 13 August 1491, seven men 'appeared to him', dressed in garments like silken togas, ... 'men composed of air' {Sylphs?}, and told him their age was three hundred years. ...

p. 103

Vallee goes on to cite modern cases ... :

the two little men seen by Lonnie in Socorro,

the 'goblins' who besieged the Hopkinsville farm all night,

the two midgets in space suits who paralysed the French farmer Maurice Masse".

"CM" = "Castrum ".

{There are also a great many such circumstantial personal accounts of encountres with praeternatural entities from the records of mediaeval and modern Bharata (India; published in Samskr.ta, in Tamil, etc.); from the records of mediaeval and modern Han (China; published in Chinese); etc. etc.}

pp. 103-4 Yeats, Evans-Wentz, and AE Russell

p. 103

"In 1897, for example, the poet W. B. Yeats accompanied his friend Lady Gregory around local cottages in Galway ... and ... learnt that the peasants not only believed in fairies, but told circumstantial stories of their encounters with them. Yeats came to believe in the factual reality of fairies, and persuaded a young American academic, Walter Evans-Wentz, to spend some time in Ireland collecting accounts. There appeared in a classic work called The Fairy Faith in the Celtic Countries, in which the author [Evans-Wentz] concludes that the factual and scientific evidence for the existence of fairies is overwhelming. In his later years, Evans-Wentz returned to his native America, and studied the beliefs {experiences} of the local Indians near San Diego, again concluding that there is real evidence for the real existence of supernatural beings. {vide : "C&SM"}

Yeat's friend George Russell (the poet AE) contributed a section to the book in which he describes his own fairy sightings ... : shining beings, opalescent beings, water beings, wood beings, lower elementals. Russell was a mystic with 'psychic' abilities".

p. 104

[quoted from Keel 1988 :] "I discovered that the majority of all ["UFO"] witnesses had latent or active psychic abilities, and ... other independent investigators around the world confirmed this in their own research."

"C&SM"= "Cuchama and Sacred Mountains".

Keel 1988 = John Keel : "The People Problem". In :- John Spencer & Hilary Evans (edd.) : Phenomenon. Futura.

p. 104 flying-saucers are actually under control by whimsical fae:ries

"By the end of Passport to Magonia, the reader is certainly inclined to agree that the most carefully documented UFO sightings sound more ... accounts of fairies, elementals and other beings of folklore. ...

As Mrs Lotti-Dainelli, of Arezzo, Italy, passed a torpedo-shaped machine by the roadside, two odd little men in one-piece suits and red hats

grabbed the pot of flowers she was carrying to the cemetery, and took it into the spacecraft.

{Praesumably, they appraehended the flowers in order to deliver those flowers' essence directly to the ghost at whose grave she was intending to deposit them.}

By the time she returned with a policeman, the machine had taken off, leaving a blue and red trail."

"In fact, why were hundreds of planes in World War Two trailed by UFOs (which were then known as foo fighters)?"

{Praesumably, the "foo fighters" were seeking to rescue the souls of any persons who might be slaughtered by murderous military-aircraft pilots.}


Colin Wilson : Alien Dawn : an Investigation into the Contact Experience. Virgin Publ Ltd, London, 1998; Fromm Internat Publ, NY, 1998.