Alien Dawn, 10A



The Way Outside


pp. 262-3 general public is acting as if hypnotized

p. 262

"One thing is clear ... : that the reason ... fellow humans take so

p. 263

little interest in these amazing problems of the paranormal, or in whether aliens from other galaxies are visiting our planet, is that ... they seem to be in a strange, passive state that is akin to hypnosis."

p. 264 negligence/refusal on the part of even philosophers to seek understanding of the nature of the universe

"the major figures of the Age of Reason -- Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau -- were not ... interested in understanding the universe. In fact, the whole idea of understanding the universe became thoroughly unfashionable.

In the nineteenth century, scientists were irritated by the sudden upsurge of interest in ghosts and poltergeists; they denounced it as a revival of the witchcraft superstition. {Actually, "witchcraft", entailing "transvection" (projection of the astral body) by means of wolfbane, henbane, etc., was (and is) very real indeed. The only "superstition" is capitalism itself.} ...

{More realistically, scientists knew that they would lose their jobs if they shewed any interest in ghosts or in poltergeists. They reason why they would lose their jobs is because the hardline capitalist-materialists who had hired them greatly dreaded the prospect of a working-class-based movement intent on seizing control of the means-of-production with the assistance of an alliance of ghosts and of poltergeists.}

In effect, the nineteenth century was faced with the same problem as we face in UFOs. And its reaction was much the same : to pretend it did not exist."

{The nineteenth-century ruling-class was faced with the same problem as is the twentieth- [and twenty-first] ruling-class; having much the same reaction : to deny that supernatural entities who would naturally ally themselves with the working-class, do not exist.}

"So the twentieth century still found science busily trying to create a 'theory of everything', while refusing to look at half the phenomena."

p. 267 non-commutative algebra of Heisenberg and of Hamilton

"In 1925, on a holiday in Heligoland, [Werner] Heisenberg ... pictured atoms as ... vibrators ... to find some connection between vibrations and the lines in light spectra. He finally succeeded ... . ... In his quantum mathematics, p times q did not equal q times p ... .

... news of Heisenberg's breakthrough reached a Cambridge graduate student named Paul Dirac ..., who ... explained in terms of the work of a Dublin mathematician of the nineteenth century, William Rowan Hamilton. Hamilton ... had produced a set of equations that would describe the motion of a wave or a particle, and in which A times B did not equal B times A."

pp. 268-9 influence of mind-over-matter (or compliance of matter with mind) : a wave-particle composite will become one or the other, dependent on the intent of the mortal human experimenter

p. 268

"in ... 1927, Niels Bohr ... In discussions with Heisenberg, ... produced what is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation, or the Principle of Complementarity. ... If we ask an electron about its position ... we get an answer that suits a particle. If we ask it about its momentum ... we get an answer that suits a wave."

p. 269

"Observing a subatomic process causes a collapse of the wave function, and makes it turn into a particle."

{This would imply that the particle is noticing that it is being observed by a human, and must wish to change its nature in order conform with the mind of the human.}

pp. 268-9 Max Born's probability-wave

p. 268

"Another quantum-physicist, Max Born, had interpreted Schro:dinger's wave function psi as a measure of the probability that the electron

p. 269

would be in one place or another. ... And yet that ... was exactly what the Copenhagen Interpretation was saying. ... . ... before the wave function collapses,

the electron is in a state of probability, which cannot be pinned down more accurately."

{However, the strictures (which have much to commend themselves) of German-originated "stereochemistry" require that the relative angles (as measured from the atom's nucleus) of the valence-band electrons remain fixed; so that the only permitted motion of such an electron is directly towards and directly away from the nucleus, resultant in a rather more praecise locatability of each such electron.}

p. 269 conjecture and subsequent proof concerning mutual entanglement of subatomic particles

"said Bohr. The two electrons are part of the same system {viz., entangled}, so if you cause one wave function to collapse, you cause both to collapse at the same time.

No, said Einstein, ... it is impossible to exceed the velocity of light, one particle cannot possibly know what is happening to the other. But this argument was won by Bohr. {But if this aspect of the special theory of relativity be thus disproven, it likely that that theory is totally vitiated, and ought to be discarded.}

{If gravitation be transmitted at supraluminal velocities (as is indicated by the "aberration of light", as explained by Isaac Newton), then some principle of gravitation might be responsible for the phainomenon of "particle-entanglement".}

In 1982, a group in Paris, led by Alain Aspect, carried out the two-particle experiment, and discovered that Bohr was correct. If you cause one photon to swerve upward ..., the other will swerve downward ... . So it would seem that, like identical twins, the photons somehow feel connected, even when flying apart at the speed of light."

p. 270 double-slit experiment

"If I shine a beam of light through a narrow slit, with a screen on the other side, it will form a slit of light on the screen. If I now open up another slit {parallel to and} at the side of the first, two overlapping slits of light will form on the screen. But there will be {parallel to the two slits} certain dark lines in the overlap portion, due to interference --

the crest of one wave cancelling out the trough of another. {Recall that the crest is produced by an upward motion, the trough by a downward motion : these are mutually opposite directions of motion.}

{better explained as the sweeping of two waves' oscillatory motions in mutually aequal but opposite directions}

Now suppose that the beam is dimmed so that only one photon at at time can pass through either of the slits, and suppose that, instead of the screen, you have a photographic plate. Over a long period of time, you would expect two slits of light to appear -- but no interference lines, since one photon cannot interfere with itself.

Yet, when the experiment is performed, the result is still two slits of light with interference lines. ...

{This would occur if each photon were aware of photons' passing regularly through the other slit as well, and by an etiquette of mutual politeness were to behave as if acknowledging the other slit's photons' right and privilege to regular passage therethrough. [written 27 Nov 2015]}

If a photon counter is placed over the two holes, to find out which is used by each photon, the interference effect immediately vanishes ... ."

{This would occur if the rudeness (renegade, outlaw) in the nature of the mortals' mind be accounted so contaminating as to interfere with normal etiquette otherwise functioning in the quantum-realm.}

p. 270 "wave of probability"

"In the 1950s, Hugh Everett, a pupil of the physicist John Wheeler suggested ... that the photon ..., when it is not being watched, ... takes the form of Born's 'wave of probability' [supra, pp. 268-9], which can go through both {slits} ... at the same time {yes, but only when so polarized as to parallel the orientation of the slits}. And the two 'waves of probability' interfere with each other {such interference being in evidence at right angles to the plane of polarization, due to the magnetic component of the electro-magnetic wave}."

{If the wave be self-aware (such self-awareness being an expression of the interaction between the electric and magnetic components of the electro-magnetic wave), then it might be so inchoate to be fluidly in the indeterminate form that its own undecided mind might wish to hold itself in, until interfered-with by the much stronger (because inferentially macroscopic) mind of a human soul encased in a powerful (because essentially macroscopic) human body. [written 26 Nov 2015]}

{There is semi-diminution of the total (sum of electric and magnetic field-strengths) energy of a light-beam (because of inability of its two components to co-operate) : in contrast to no diminution of the total (sum of hypothesized electro-gravitic and magneto-gravitic field-strengths) energy of a gravitational radiation when acting at right angles (or proportionate oblique angles) to its direction of radiation -- such [proportionately] right angles being praesent in the orbit of any planet. For this reason, a double-effect can be expected in the praecession of the ellipse-orbit of, e.g., planet Mercury : this is the true explanation of observed praecession of the perihelion of Mercury (the explanation speciously provided in the "general theory of relativity" being unnecessary and, in fact, false). That these two wave-components cannot mutually interfere in connection with an motion oblique to themselves would ideally imply an inchoate mutual orientation of these two components -- an inchoate balance in the indeterminate form that its own undecided mind might wish to hold itself in, until observable (when observation would prove them to be parallel, thus mutually redinfortifying). It would also indicate that the oscillations of both components, being necessarily uni-directional, must be thrustings in the direction of propagation, instead of transverse oscillations as in the case of electro-magnetic waves. Transverse oscillations would have much difficulty in making headway forwards (hence the relatively slow velocity of light) in contrast with the directly-forward oscillation of gravitation (whose velocity hath been measured at in excess of billions of times the velocity of light in a "vacuum"). [written 26 Nov 2015. This explanation (in terms of two components of a gravitational wave) being an improvement over my praevious statement, made some years ago, of this method of eliminating the only generally-accepted logical basis for the so-called "general theory of relativity".]}

p. 271 "reality" as a personal point-of-view

"Like our sense of beauty, like our sense, like our sense of humour, like our sexual preferences, reality lies mainly in the eye of the beholder.

{How-be-it, are not all such aisthetic sensibilities within ourselves instilled and governed by our spirit-guides, who in their divine wisdom controll our ongoing destiny?}

The physicist John Wheeler has even gone so far (in what he calls 'the Participatory Anthropic Principle') as to suggest that we create the universe in the act of perceiving it."

{More actually, mortals are capable of re-arranging the structure of [local details of] the material universe only insofar as the aeternal deities, who through their archetypal worlds control the minds of mortals, command to be done.}

p. 271 recommended bibliography

"Fritjof Capra and Fred Alan Wolf, and their books The Tao of Physics (1975) and Parallel Universes (1988) are devoted to a science that is becoming daily more like Eastern mysticism. ... Gary Zukav says the same thing in his book The Dancing Wu Li Masters (1979)."

p. 272 control-phainomena : deconditioning from consensus-reality

"are we being observed by visitors from another world? ... Vallee concluded that it is a 'control phenomenon' -- that is, ... its purpose is the effect it has on us. ... .

John Mack ... adds, [fn. 1 : quoted from OTHER REALITIES, NOETIC SCIENCES REVIEW, autumn 1992] 'There is no way, I believe, that we can even make sense ... of this matter within the framework of our existing views of what is real or possible'."

"In other words, if ... the purpose of these phenomena is the effect they have on us, then that purpose would seem to be to decondition us from our unquestioning acceptance of consensus reality."

pp. 272-4 John & Sue Day

p. 272

"John and Sue Day, ... October 1974, left .... to

Avely, Essex ... . ...

{related in nomenclature to the AVE-bury cromlech?}

Then things became strangely quiet, and,

as they drove into a bank of green mist, the car

{Perhaps the architects of the cromlech at Avebury were devotees of a mist-laden green Fae:ryland.}

p. 273

radio began to crackle and smoke ... . Then the engine went dead ... . A moment later, they were moving again ... . ... They had lost over two hours. ...

Then poltergeist activity began to take place in the house. ... Items would vanish, then reappear days later. There were unaccountable smells {fragrances}, such as lavender.

Finally ..., John ... contacted the researcher Andy Collins, who went to the house in Avely, and also witnessed poltergeist phenomena. ... introduced ... to a hypnotist ..., under hypnosis, John began to recall what had happened. ... Susan ... later ... submitted to hypnosis.

John recalled a white light surrounding the car, and a sense of rising. ... He was looking down on ... people ... asleep ... . ... John was taken to an examination room ... . Three tall beings were watching, and two small ... goblins with huge ears, beaked noses and triangular eyes, were examining him with penlike instruments. The tall beings wore silvery one-piece suits, and communicated by

p. 274

... telepathy. When the examination was over, they showed John the rest of the craft, and ... he was shown images of the solar system ... . Finally, left alone in another room, ... an incredibly beautiful woman walked in, then vanished. At this point he found himself back in the car.

Sue recalled being taken to an examination room and strapped on a table, where she was painted a mauve colour and physically examined -- ... although she had no memory of being undressed. ... Later, she was taken on a tour of the ship, and she was also shown images on a screen, including Earth from space, and the place where she lived. At this point, ... she saw ... the car dematerialising ... . Then she found herself sitting in the car."

pp. 275-7 Paul Roberts

p. 275

"Paul Roberts ... In 'Making Contact' [fn. 2 : article in WHY magazine, autumn 1997] ... describes how he and two friends saw a flying saucer in 1969 in Cornwall. The enormous disk made a powerful electric whirring ... and hovered motionless for over twenty minutes, during which it changed colour. Then seven or eight smaller disks came from somewhere, and merged with the larger one, although there was no visible opening.

The saucer made off with a 'slow vague zig-zag' until over the

{The zig-zag manoeuvre is performed by flying saucers which are aware of then thoughts of the humans who are viewing them, sometimes in response to a wish by those humans to see some unconventional manoeuvre.}

p. 276

Atlantic, then it banked and took off upward at a speed ... of ... over 20,000 miles per hour."

"Two months later, ... again by the sea, ... they heard a voice behind them, succeeded by a powerful humming sound that made the beach vibrate. ... Then two shining entities ememged from the shadows ... . ... Then a vast egg of light descended, and they suddenly realized they were inside it. They seemed to be surrounded by a kind of liquid light that chilled them. They both had ... a sense of telepathic communication.

Roberts writes :

[quoted :] I ... report -- since this seems mandatory in every Close Encounter of the Third Kind -- that ... We were told that

what we viewed as separate entities -- people, flora, fauna, planet -- are in reality one entity.

{Because all mortals (humans, animals, plants, etc.) are divinely guided (through spirit-guides) by the same universal divine government (consisting of networked divine committees), in this sense "unity of reality" or "[intentional] unity of entity" may be considered to exist.}

As was believed in the ancient world ... earthquakes and natural cataclysms are causally related to events in the human sphere, ... as augur{ie}s or omens ... . ...

The planet's fate could be altered, as could our destinies -- but only if we changed ourselves."

{Such an alteration of the planet's fate could be achieved by our co-operating with the universewide communist government to subvert and to overthrow existing ploutokratic national governments (which are all illegitimate usurpations) on this planet.}

p. 277

"After that, they saw the egg of light rise above them."

"In 1975, Roberts was with the Indian 'miracle man' {wondre-worker, saint} Sai Baba in India -- Baba is famous for being able

to materialise objects from the air, and

{more actually, having said objects teleported to him from afar by jnun (the objects most likely having all been placed, by religious devotees, as offerings on altars of temples)}

healing people.

{such healing being performed for him by his familiar spirits}

Baba joined them ... and Roberts asked him about life on other planets and UFOs. In reply, ... Roberts felt Baba's

thumb pressed on his forehead.

{in order to transmit a response as command to the inner deities within ajn~a ('command') cakra}

[quoted from P.R.'s "MC" :] Instantly, ... I saw world after jeweled world of a ... cosmos of self-illuminated spheres within spheres. I was in each world simultaneously, their myriad unique fragrances, textures, sounds, and landscapes, all apparent,

their every inhabitant me and yet also not me."

{Divine entities share their consciousnesses, and hence their ostensible identities, with mortals whilest telepathizing with them.}

"Baba told them, '... Heart is ... mind ... Space men come from heart -- heart of God.' ..."

{'Heart' is the locus of "mind" in Chinese philosophy. A deity named 'Heart of Heaven' is prominent in highland-Maya (and in Chinese) religious lore.}


Colin Wilson : Alien Dawn : an Investigation into the Contact Experience. Virgin Publ Ltd, London, 1998. Fromm Internat Publ, NY, 1998.